Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Central African Republic League
Diplomate Football Club du 8ème Arrondissement (DFC 8)
Anges de Fatima
Olympic Real de Bangui (ORB)
Espérance du 5ème Arrondissement
Asset Gobongo
Stade Centrafricain (SCAF)
Castel Foot
AS Tempête Mocaf
Union Sportive Centrafricaine de Bangui (USCA)
AS Kpéténé Star
Sporting Club de Bangui (SCB)
Association Sportive des Commerçants

Wikiarticle - Central African Republic League

Groupe Kamach, Novagift


Novagift on the Wikipedia
Novagift official site

Images are at AfricaPhonebooks/Annuaires Afrique


TOPCARD, un moyen moderne et securise de paiement en stations:
- Utilisation d'un code confidenciel
- Controle des achats en stations

Medecine Interne
Chirurgie (surgery) - Gynecologique

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Government of the Central African Republic

The country is currently under the rule of President François Bozizé and Prime Minister Élie Doté. (pictured). A new constitution was approved by voters in a referendum held on December 5, 2004. Full multiparty presidential and parliamentary elections were held in March 2005, with a second round in May. Bozizé was declared the winner after a run-off vote.

Population = 4.2 mm
Area = 622,000 km squared
Comparison: Texas = 678,000 km squared

''''' ''''' ''''' ''''''

Banque des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale - BEAC

The central bank.

Central African Republic's central bank is the Banque des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale, or Bank of Central African States, which serves

Guinée équatoriale
Tchad .

The bank is hq'd in Yaounde, Cameroon. The name of the currency is the Central African Franc, or CFA franc.

BEAC Official Site

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Languages and Groups of the Central African Republic

There are more than 80 groups in the Central African Republic.

50% - Baya-Mandjia
40% - Banda - North and Central
7% - M'Baka - Southwestern corner

From Wikipedia:Sangho (link)

Sango (also spelt Sangho) is the primary language spoken in the Central African Republic: it has 5 million second-language speakers, but only 400,000 native speakers, mainly in the towns. Originally used by river traders, it is a vehicular language, based on the language of the Sango tribe, belonging to the Ngbandi language cluster (including Ngbandi and Yakoma), with many French words.

Sangho is a vehicular language, or lingua franca,

Being a vehicular language, Sango is considered unusually easy to learn; according to Samarin, "with application a student ought to be able to speak the language in about three months." However, to reach true fluency takes much longer, as with any language.

Socatel and ENERCA


Socatel, or Societe Centrafricaine de Telecommunications, has offices in Bangui. Socatel is affiliated with the company France Câbles et Radio, a subsidiary of France Telecom. France Câbles et Radio works around the world providing telecommunications, including places like New Caledonia, Madagascar, Mexico City, et cetera.

Socatel - link
France Telecom - link

ENERCA - Energie Centafricaine

This is a national electric power company. ENERCA operates the Mbali River Hydroelectric Area near Boali.

The University of Bangui

The University of Bangui is a public university located in Bangui, Central African Republic. It is the primary university of the country.

Prior to independence in Ubangi-Shari (later to be called the Central African Republic), most students going on to higher education headed for universities in France. After independence in 1958, the Central African Republic took part in the Foundation for Higher Education in Central Africa, the French acronym of which is FESAC. The FESAC encompassed several former French colonies, each which schools or institutes with a specific focus. Within the FESAC, the Central African Republic had the agricultural institute.

The FESAC began to come apart in the late 1960s, so on November 12, 1969, the University of Bangui was created by government ordinance. The University of Bangui expanded the focus of study on agriculture to also include scientific research, law, economics, rural development and liberal arts.

INHEA: C.A.R. Profile

Central African Companies and Trade Unions

Banque Populaire Maroco Centrafricaine BPMC (bank)
Banque Internationale pour la Centrafrique BICA (bank)
Commercial Bank Centrafrique CBCA (bank)
Enerca (energy)
Groupe Kamach (conglomerate)
Socatel (national telecom)

Trade Unions
Confédération Syndicale des Travailleurs de Centrafrique
National Confederation of Central African Workers
Union of Central African Workers


省 Prefectures and 首府 Prefecture Capitals
巴明吉-班戈兰 Bamingui-Bangoran - 恩代莱 Ndélé  
下科托 Basse-Kotto - 莫巴伊 Mobaye  
上姆博穆 Haut-Mbomou - 奥博 Obo  
上科托 Haute-Kotto - 布里亚 Bria
凯莫 Kémo - 锡布 Sibut  
洛巴伊 Lobaye - 姆拜基 Mbaïki  
曼贝雷-卡代 Mambéré-Kadéï - 贝贝拉蒂 Berbérati
姆博穆 Mbomou - 班加苏 Bangassou
纳纳-格里比齐 Nana-Gribizi - 卡加班多罗 Kaga-Bandoro  
纳纳-曼贝雷 Nana-Mambéré - 布阿尔 Bouar
翁贝拉-姆波科 Ombella-M'poko - 博阿利 Boali
宾博 Bimbo(曾省会)
瓦卡 Ouaka - 班巴里 Bambari
瓦姆 Ouham - 博桑戈阿 Bossangoa
瓦姆-彭代 Ouham-Pendé - 博祖姆 Bozoum  
桑加-姆巴埃雷 Sangha-Mbaéré - 诺拉 Nola  
瓦卡加 Vakaga - 比劳 Birao  
班吉直辖市 Bangui - 班吉 Bangui

中非 Central African Republic 班吉 Bangui

The Chinese prefecture names are phonetic. Words like "basse" and "haut" are translated as "lower - 下" and "upper - 上" from the Chinese.

The word "Central African Republic" is translated as "Central - 中" "Africa - 非"

Phonetic Chinese names are formed mostly from a large group of individual words used universally in translating syllables of names around the world. The translations are more or less interesting. As Chinese people spend time living in and working in all the different places around the world that are new to China, eventually, deeper, more complicated, better names are evolved from that experience. For example, cities, which are long familiar to Chinese people, like Mumbai, Moscow, Rome, Cairo, and more recently Paris, London, New York and Honolulu, have names which don't necessarily use words from the long list of descriptive phonetic names.

The phonetic names are kind of nice. For example, Bangui - 班吉 - is literally "Team Luck", or "Bian Jie". This is a perfectly typical phonetic place name in Chinese.